Health, Wealth and Happiness Lions

 'The New Testament KJ American Standard Bible'

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Have you ever found yourself in an impossible situation like a job loss, a rebellious child, a broken relationship, or a health concern? Is life sometimes like what Daniel felt when he found himself in the 'lions den?

In Daniel 6, we find Daniel in an impossible situation that he didn’t deserve to be in. His enemies schemed against him, and Daniel was thrown into a den of lions.We know the story has a happy ending.

God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions. God delivered Daniel. It is believed, Daniel’s deliverance began before he found himself in that lions’ den. Prayer Works... It started when he learned to pray and hear God’s Angels voice.

And when he stayed true to his faith after being taken from his home as a young man and sent to Babylon. And, when he showed wisdom and character that earned him a job in the king’s palace.- And when he followed his convictions by eating in a way that he believed honored God.

I don’t know if you’re in an impossible situation, if you’ve just come out of one or if you’re getting ready to be in one... but 'we’ll all experience one at some point in our life's journey.

Here at 'Health, Wealth and Happiness Lions Den' I have compiled many 'Classic Old & New Philosophical and Theological Authors/Writers concerning Health, Wealth and Happiness...

Discover 'Self-Improvement and/or Self-Development'
Fiction and Non-Fiction eBooks. Video and Audio Tutorials
that will Guide and/or Help You Grow Inside and Out.

Seek God's Blessing... Willingly and Personally Surrender, allow God to begin your deliverance TODAY!. Your deliverance, like Daniel’s, will result in people from all around witnessing the faithfulness of God. And, he endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed, He rescues and he saves; He performs signs and wonders. In the heavens and on the earth. Pray and learn God’s voice. Stay true to your Faith in our Creator/God. Your deliverance, like Daniel’s, will result in people from all around witnessing the faithfulness of God. And he endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed,

He rescues and he saves; He performs signs and wonders In the heavens and on the erth.Ask God for wisdom and be a person of character. Follow the convictions God lays on your 'heart and mind from His Word and Teachings.God will deliver you. Your deliverance, like Daniel’s, will result in people from all around witnessing the faithfulness of God.And he endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed,

He rescues and he saves; He performs signs and wonders In the heavens and on the earth.He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions. Daniel 6:26-27

Let 'Health, Wealth and Happiness Lions Den' help you on your journey to 'Health, Wealth and Happiness... Inside and Out! Know Thyself, Invest In Thyself and Educate Thyself... 'Life Is Like The Lions Den.

Enjoy the Journey...

Publisher/Editor/Self-Improvement Enthusiast

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